Nerina Pallot - There's A River Chords

  • Artist: Nerina Pallot
  • Song: There's A River
  • Album: I Don't Know What I'm Doing
  • Release Date: 2022-02-17
  • Genre: channel islands indie, uk alternative pop
  • Key: C#/Db Major
  • Tempo: 134
  • Time Signature: 3/4
  • Mode: 1
  • Recommended Tuning: EADGBe (Guitar)
  • Recommended Tuning: GCEA (Ukulele)
  • Listen to Nerina Pallot - There's A River Chords on Spotify

When did Nerina Pallot release There's A River?

There's A River was released on 2022-02-17

Capo: 1st fret
Strumming Pattern: D = Down, U = Up, - = pause
Strumming Pattern #1 - D D U D U D
Strumming Pattern #2 - D D D D D D D
Strumming Pattern #3 - D U D D - D U
something here
Verse 1TheyG got them a hCouse and they Fmade it a home
And he gGave them a mCind of his oFwn
Now they wGatch from high windCows
ImpossFible greenness insGide every sCeed that they've soFwn.GCFGCF.
At niGght while he's slCeeping they lFisten
Then creep in to Ggaze at this tChing that they've groFwnChorusAnd tDmhere's a rGiver in ICndianFa
Dm There's a Griver flows wCith or withFout you
Dm Life's lGonging fCor itseFlf
And we Bball hitch a ride while we cGanInterludeGCFGCF
Verse 2You biGrth them, you wChelp them, you tFry hard to help them:
One dGay they're gonna pCush you awFay
Then you'll stGand on the siCdelines neFrvously watching
GThis: the greatest tChing that you've mFadeChorusAnd tDmhere's a rGiver in ICndianFa
Dm There's a Griver flows wCith or withFout you
Dm Life's lGonging fCor itseFlf
And we Bball hitch a ride while we cGanVerse 3And I Amdon't like to tGhink of those dCays that I'll miss
FSo as coGntingency, Ambest make a list
I must conGfess it's a veCry long liFst
FBe who you are
Do what you love
Look straight ahead
Keep your head up
Go to eFvery party
But make sure you sleep
And darling, brush your ************* teGethCFGCF.
ChorusAnd tDmhere's a rGiver in ICndianFa
Dm There's a Griver flows wCith or withFout you
Dm Life's lGonging fCor itseFlf
And we aFll hitch a rGide while we cCan

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