NEEDTOBREATHE - Into The Mystery Chords

  • Song: Into The Mystery
  • Album: Into The Mystery
  • Release Date: 2021-05-06
  • Genre: ccm, christian alternative rock, christian indie, christian music, folk-pop
  • Key: F Major
  • Tempo: 169
  • Time Signature: 4/4
  • Mode: 1
  • Recommended Tuning: EADGBe (Guitar)
  • Recommended Tuning: GCEA (Ukulele)
  • Listen to NEEDTOBREATHE - Into The Mystery Chords on Spotify

When did NEEDTOBREATHE release Into The Mystery?

Into The Mystery was released on 2021-05-06

Capo: 1st fret
Strumming Pattern: D = Down, U = Up, - = pause
Strumming Pattern #1 - D D U D U D
Strumming Pattern #2 - D D D D D D D
Strumming Pattern #3 - D U D D - D U

You can use the following chords if you don't have a capo: F, G#m, and Bb.
But you have to play a barre chords that will tire your hands.

something here
EIt's hard F#mto see it,Astill beElieve it
EYou have aF#mlways lived dAeep inside my hEeart
EI need to F#mknow YAou would swim the uEnknown seas
EAnd follow F#mme (Follow mAe, follow mEe)
Into the mysteEryF#mAE
Verse 1EFrom my shF#mallow grave,.AI've pErayed to find
EThe strength to cF#mrawl,.Athe strength tEo climb
EUp F#mto the surface,.Auntie mEy hands
ESorrow F#mhad a purpose,.Abut it's time Eto stand
Chorus'Cause EIF#mjust wanna be loAved by yEou
I cannot reEsist the nF#meed to hear you sAay it.E
EWhatever F#myou do, I will be thAereE
ESon, I will fF#mollow you anywhAereE
Into the mysteEry (F#mAh, ah, Aah ahh)E
E(F#mAh, ah, aAhahEh)
Verse 2ELove is F#mnot a cage,.Alove is nEot a path
ELove's a sF#mteady hand waAitin' for the stEorm to pass
EYou lF#moved me then.Awhen you needed Eme
Will yEou stF#mill when it's nAot so eaEsy?Chorus'Cause EIF#mjust wanna be loAved by yEou
I cannot reEsist the nF#meed to hear you sAay it.E
EWhatever F#myou do, I will be thAereE
ESon, I will fF#mollow you anywhAereE
BridgeWe are sEons and daF#mughters
We are flAesh and dEust
We are pEulled from the wrF#meckage
We are nAot aloEne
We are loEvers bF#mroken
We are viAcarious drEeams
We are tumEblin' in sF#mpace, out of conAtrolE
Into the mysEtery (F#mAh)AE
Into the mysEtery (F#mAh)AE
Chorus'Cause EIF#mjust wanna be loAved by yEou
I cannot reEsist the nF#meed to hear you sAay it.E
EWhatever F#myou do, I will be thAereE
ESon, I will fF#mollow youAE
Into the mysEtery (F#mAh)AE
Into the mysEtery (F#mAh)AE


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