Verse IThe Bmpurple that is collapsing
GHead for the hills and preDpare your intellect to fEmlowA.
The Bmgame of life is changing
Gman is about to awake
Electric Dsun beams dancing in a Emliquid in my sAkullChorusThe Bmmilky, milky, milk
Your Gtongue milking me so hard
And from Dsucking on your nipples
Licking Emmilky, milky stAars
I Bmfeel like A slab of butter
That is Gmelting in the sun
The Dprisoner waits
Now that Emyou and me are AoneVerse IIBmmade of vanilla sundae and the Ggreatest truth of peace
That Dopening up the platae of the Emlast 2 billion Ayears
I Bmask myself a question
GWhat the f*** is gone
But I Dknew that I knew it
From the Emmilky, milky AgodsChorusThe Bmmilky, milky, milk
Your Glips get me so wet
While I'm Dsinging all the verses from the Emplanet of the Adead