One, twoVerse 1I Cwant to hear Heaven when my daughter laughs
And feel the Spirit every time we dance, when wFe dance
She always wants to Cdance
C'Cause I've been busy, been making plans
I have a way of living in my head, in mFy head
I'm outside looking CinPre-ChorusBut I'm Amwaking Fup
I've lost too Ammuch
I'm waGking FupChorusTo every Csunrise
And every Gnight sky
To the Ammagic that's right here waiting, but CI've been asFleep
There's glory that I couldn't seCeVerse 2CChasing the beauty like fireflies
Staying present wh?n I'm with my wife, it's been Fa while
Since I r?ally Csaw her
I won't play the victim, that tired song
Raging against all the treasures lost, yeah, I'vFe lost
But look at what I'vCe foundPre-ChorusI'm AmwaGking Fup
ChorusTo every Csunrise
And every Gnight sky
To the Ammagic that's right here waiting, but GI've been asFleep
And what a Csurprise
How much of Gthis life
AmComes into focus, so mysteriousFly
There's glory that I couldn't CseeAm
BridgeThere's Gglory right in front of mFe, yeah.Am
There's Gglory right here
Keep Fopening up my eyesChorusTo every Csunrise
And every Gnight sky
To the Ammagic that's right here waiting, but GI've been asFleep
And what a Csurprise
How much of Gthis life
AmComes into focus, so mysteriousFly
There's glory that I couldn't CseeOutroI couldn't GseeAmF
I'm waking up