Matt Corby - Problems Chords

  • Artist: Matt Corby
  • Song: Problems
  • Album: Everything's Fine
  • Release Date: 2023-03-24
  • Genre: australian indie
  • Key: F Major
  • Tempo: 89
  • Time Signature: 4/4
  • Mode: 1
  • Recommended Tuning: EADGBe (Guitar)
  • Recommended Tuning: GCEA (Ukulele)
  • Listen to Matt Corby - Problems Chords on Spotify

When did Matt Corby release Problems?

Problems was released on 2023-03-24

Capo: none
Strumming Pattern: D = Down, U = Up, - = pause
Strumming Pattern #1 - D D U D U D
Strumming Pattern #2 - D D D D D D D
Strumming Pattern #3 - D U D D - D U
something here
VerseYou can DM7take your compliFM7cations
And sBbM7hove it where the Am7sun don't sDM7hine
To cFM7reate something to bBbM7enefit Am7all humanDM7kind
You can FM7curb your converBbM7sations
It's cAm7ounter to the tDM7imes
You're dFM7ampening the BbM7fire that fAm7uels every DM7mindFM7BbM7
fAm7uels every mDM7indFM7BbM7Am7
VerseDM7Don't be so compFM7lacent
When you're pBbM7assing out the fAm7ruit from the DM7vine
You take aFM7dvantage of tBbM7hose who can't rAm7each up that DM7high
Don't FM7take out your frustBbM7rations on tAm7hose in your DM7line
It's regFM7rettable you've tBbM7urned your service iAm7nto a cDM7rimeInterludeDM7FM7BbM7Am7
RefrainF#m7b5Just FM7take all you can cBbM7arry
Take Am7all you can hold
F#m7b5What's the wFM7orst that can hBbM7appen?
You'll fAm7ind no resolve?
F#m7b5Just FM7take all you can cBbM7arry
Take Am7all you can hold
F#m7b5What's the wFM7orst that can hBbM7appen?
You'll fAm7ind no resolve?VerseDM7Future generaFM7tions have BbM7too many wrAm7ongs to get rDM7ight
It's rFM7esting on BbM7how many wAm7ill take up the fDM7ight
Yeah tFM7hat's the situBbM7ation they Am7run down the cDM7hain
I'm wFM7ondering if we'll BbM7ever be Am7back here againInterludeDM7FM7BbM7Am7
RefrainDM7Just FM7take all you can cBbM7arry
Take Am7all you can hold
DM7What's the wFM7orst that can hBbM7appen?
You'll fAm7ind no resolve?
DM7Just FM7take all you can cBbM7arry
Take Am7all you can hold
DM7What's the wFM7orst that can hBbM7appen?
You'll fAm7ind no resolve?InterludeDM7FM7BbM7Am7
VerseDM7Our miseducFM7ation has tBbM7aught us to cAm7lose our eDM7yes
We've neglFM7ected every vBbM7ision of pAm7ure insDM7ight
When you buFM7ild imaginBbM7ation
You're shAm7ifting the fDM7rame
I'm wFM7ondering if we'll BbM7ever be bAm7ack here aDM7gainRefrainDM7Just FM7take all you can cBbM7arry
Take Am7all you can hold
DM7What's the wFM7orst that can hBbM7appen?
You'll fAm7ind no resolve?
DM7Just FM7take all you can cBbM7arry
Take Am7all you can hold
DM7What's the wFM7orst that can hBbM7appen?
You'll fAm7ind no resolve?

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