Mathilda Homer - Something Sentimental Chords

When did Mathilda Homer release Something Sentimental?

Something Sentimental was released on 2021-08-12

Capo: none
Strumming Pattern: D = Down, U = Up, - = pause
Strumming Pattern #1 - D D U D U D
Strumming Pattern #2 - D D D D D D D
Strumming Pattern #3 - D U D D - D U
something here

IntroE.....A.....E.....A..Verse 1E..You walked Aout
And I saEid
Something sentiAmental
E..You cleared your Athroat
And you saEid
Something sentiAmentalPre-ChorusD..Funny how the Aworld comes crashing down
D..And all the words that Ameant so much
Mean nothingE now.A..Verse 2E..You just Alaughed
When I
E..Questioned your deAvotion
E..We're not hAuman anymore
We're just
E..Going through the AmotionsPre-ChorusD..Funny how you Ameant so much to me
D..And nowadays
AI can't help but smile when youE leave.A..ChorusF#m..Save your Bbreath
Cuz Enothing you say is a as strong Aas this feelings
F#m..Shut your Blips
EWhen you speak I feel Anothing after
F#m..Save your Bbreath
Cuz Dsentimental words won't work Athis timeInstrumentalE.....A.....E.....A..Verse 3E..Day by Aday
We just
E..Drift a little Afurther
E..You're a shAape in the distance
E..Soon you'll be a sAtrangerPre-ChorusD..Funny how the Aworld comes crashing down
D..And sure enough the Amess we made means nEothing now.A..ChorusF#m..Save your Bbreath
Cuz Enothing you say is a as strong Aas this feelings
F#m..Shut your Blips
EWhen you speak I feel Anothing for you
F#m..Save your Bbreath
Cuz Dsentimental words won't Awork this timeOutroF#m..Save your Bbreath
Cuz Enothing you say is a as strong Aas this feelings I'd stare
F#m..Shut your Blips
EWhen you speak I just Afall out at you
F#m..Save your Bbreath
Cuz Dsentimental words won't Awork.E..

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