Marina And The Diamonds - Savages Chords

  • Artist: MARINA
  • Song: Savages
  • Album: Froot
  • Release Date: 2015-03-16
  • Genre: metropopolis, pop, pov: indie, uk alternative pop
  • Key: A Minor
  • Tempo: 120
  • Time Signature: 4/4
  • Mode: 0
  • Recommended Tuning: EADGBe (Guitar)
  • Recommended Tuning: GCEA (Ukulele)
  • Listen to Marina And The Diamonds - Savages Chords on Spotify

When did MARINA release Savages?

Savages was released on 2015-03-16

Capo: none
Strumming Pattern: D = Down, U = Up, - = pause
Strumming Pattern #1 - D D U D U D
Strumming Pattern #2 - D D D D D D D
Strumming Pattern #3 - D U D D - D U
something here
Verse IAmMurder lives forGever
And so does Dmwar
It's survival of the Ffittest
rich against the Ampoor
at the end of the Gday
It's a human Dmtrait
sewn deep down inFside of our DNA
Am One man can build a bomb
G another run a race
Dm to save somebody's life
and Fhave it blow up in his face
Am I'm not the only one who Gfinds it hard to understand
Dm I'm not afraid of god
F I am afraid of manPre-Chorusis it Amrunning in our Fblood
is it Dmrunning in our Gveins
is it Amrunning in our Fgenes
is it Dmin our DNGA
Humans Amaren't gonna beFhave
as we Dmthink we always Gshould
yeah, Amwe can baFd
as Dmwe can gooGdChorusAmUnderneath it all Fwe're just Gsavages
Fhidden behind shirts, Dmties and Gmarriages
AmHow could we expect Fanything at Gall?
we're just Fanimals still Dmlearning how to crawlVerse IIAm we live, we die
G we steal, we kill, we lie
Dm just like animals
F but with far less Amgrace
we laugh, we cry
G like babies in the night
Dm forever running wild
F in the human Amrace
another day,
G another tale of rape
Dm another ticking bomb to Fbury deep and detonate
Am I'm not the only one who Gfinds it hard to understand
Dm I'm not afraid of god
F I'm afraid of manPre-Chorusyou can Amsee it on the Fnews
you can Dmwatch it on tGv
you can Amread it on your Fphone
you can Dmsay it's troubGling
humana aren't gonna behave as we think we always should
yeah, we can be bad as we can good
Humans Amaren't gonna beFhave
as we Dmthink we always Gshould
yeah, Amwe can baFd
as Dmwe can gooGdChorusAmUnderneath it all Fwe're just Gsavages
Fhidden behind shirts, Dmties and Gmarriages
AmHow could we expect Fanything at Gall?
we're just Fanimals still Dmlearning how to crawl
AmUnderneath it all Fwe're just Gsavages
Fhidden behind shirts, Dmties and Gmarriages
AmTruth is in us all, crFadle to the Ggrave
we're just Fanimals still Dmlearning to behaveBridgeAll the Dmhate coming out from a Amgeneration
who got Geverything and nothing guided Fby temptation
were we Dmborn to abuse, shoot a Amgun and run
or has Gsomething deep inside of us Fcome undone?
is it a Dmhuman trait or is it Amlearned behaviour
are you Gkilling for yourself or killing Ffor your saviour?ChorusAmUnderneath it all Fwe're just Gsavages
Fhidden behind shirts, Dmties and Gmarriages
AmHow could we expect Fanything at Gall?
we're just Fanimals still Dmlearning how to crawl
AmUnderneath it all Fwe're just Gsavages
Fhidden behind shirts, Dmties and Gmarriages
AmTruth is in us all, crFadle to the Ggrave
we're just Fanimals still Dmlearning to behave

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