MAGIC! - Rude Chords

  • Artist: MAGIC!
  • Song: Rude
  • Album: Don't Kill the Magic
  • Release Date: 2014-06-25
  • Genre: pop, reggae fusion
  • Key:
  • Tempo:
  • Time Signature: /4
  • Mode: 2
  • Recommended Tuning: EADGBe (Guitar)
  • Recommended Tuning: GCEA (Ukulele)
  • Listen to MAGIC! - Rude Chords on Spotify

When did MAGIC! release Rude?

Rude was released on 2014-06-25

Capo: 1st fret
Strumming Pattern: D = Down, U = Up, - = pause
Strumming Pattern #1 - D D U D U D
Strumming Pattern #2 - D D D D D D D
Strumming Pattern #3 - D U D D - D U
something here
Verse IF Saturday Gmorning jumped out of Cbed and Amput on my best suit
F Got in my Gcar and raced like a Cjet, Amall the way to you
F Knocked on your Gdoor with heart in my Chand to Amask you a question
F 'Cause I know that Gyou're an old-fashioned Cman, Amyeah, yeahPre-ChorusFCan I have your daughter for the Grest of my life?
Say Emyes, say yes 'cause I Amneed to know
You say, "I'll Fnever get your blessing 'til the Gday I die.
Tough Cluck, my B/Cfriend, but the Amanswer is no!"ChorusF Why you gotta Gbe so rude?
C Don't you know I'm Amhuman, too?
F Why you gotta Gbe so rude?
C I'm gonna Ammarry her anyway
FMarry that girl
GMarry her anyway
CMarry that girl
Yeah, Amno matter what you say
FMarry that girl
And Gwe'll be a family
C Why you gotta Ambe so
Verse IIF I hate to Gdo this, you leave no Cchoice, can't live Amwithout her
F Love me or Ghate me we will be Cboys standing Amat that altar
F Or we will Grun away toC another Amgalaxy, you know
F You know she's in Glove with me,C she will go Amanywhere I goPre-ChorusFCan I have your daughter for the Grest of my life?
Say Emyes, say yes 'cause I Amneed to know
You say, "I'll Fnever get your blessing 'til the Gday I die.
Tough Cluck, my B/Cfriend, but the Amanswer is no!"ChorusF Why you gotta Gbe so rude?
C Don't you know I'm Amhuman, too?
F Why you gotta Gbe so rude?
C I'm gonna Ammarry her anyway
FMarry that girl
GMarry her anyway
CMarry that girl
Yeah, Amno matter what you say
FMarry that girl
And Gwe'll be a family
C Why you gotta Ambe so
Guitar SoloFGCAm
FCan I have your daughter for the Grest of my life?
Say Emyes, say yes 'cause I Amneed to know
You say, "I'll Fnever get your blessing 'til the Gday I die.
Tough Cluck, my friend, but 'B/CNo' still Ammeans 'No'!"
F Why you gotta Gbe so rude?
C Don't you know I'm Amhuman, too?
F Why you gotta Gbe so rude?
C I'm gonna Ammarry her anyway
FMarry that girl
GMarry her anyway
CMarry that girl
Yeah, Amno matter what you say
FMarry that girl
And Gwe'll be a family
C Why you gotta Ambe so

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