Maggie Rogers - Anywhere With You Chords

When did Maggie Rogers release Anywhere With You?

Anywhere With You was released on 2022-07-29

Capo: none
Strumming Pattern: D = Down, U = Up, - = pause
Strumming Pattern #1 - D D U D U D
Strumming Pattern #2 - D D D D D D D
Strumming Pattern #3 - D U D D - D U
something here
Verse 1AWalked in straight away and slammed the door last night
I cDaught you on the couch, you were having a fright all alEone
With the TDV on
ClEothes strewn on the floor, I got down on my knees
You tDold me everything that you wanted to be all aAlong
Was it wrDong?
And I saidChorusLiAsten, oh, I know it's been a long, long year
But DI think we should go and get you out of here
I'll go aAnywhere, anywhere with yDou
APack up all your **** and put it in the back
MayDbe the miles can make up for the things you lack
I'll go aAnywhere, anywhere with yDouVerse 2CrAuising '95 like we got nothing to lose
I'm prDaying to the headlights like I prayed to yoEu
Before I found yDou
RAoll the windows down, kill the radio
I'd rDather hear the wind than hear that song I'm supposed to kAnow
By some ******* bDroChorusYou tAell me that forever couldn't come too soon
I wDanna lose my mind in a hotel room with yAou
Anywhere would Ddo
I'm sAitting in the back like it's pouring rain
You cDall me from the heart just to say my, say my nAame
I'll go anywhere with yDou
I'll go anywhere with yAou
Anywhere with yDou
Anywhere with yAou
I'll go anywhere with youInstrumentalDEF#mE.
BridgeWould you F#mtell me if I ever started hEolding you back?
Would you Bmtalk me off the guard rail of my pDanic attack?
Look me strDaight in my center and tell mEe from the heart
Are you F#mready to start? Are you readEy to start?
Are you ready to start? Are you ready to start?
Are you ready to start?ChorusYou tAell me that forever couldn't come too soon
If I'm gEonna lose my mind, I'm gonna lose it with DyouE.
You tAell me you want everything, you want it fast
But all IE've ever wanted is to make something ******* lDast
I'll go anywhere, I'll go anywhere, I'll go anywEhere with yAou
Anywhere with yEou
Anywhere with yDou
Anywhere with yAouED.

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