Verse IEm Do we Gneed to start a Bmwar
Do we Aneed to take a sEmide
If we Gopen up our Bmeyes
ReaAlize that we are bEmlind
Is it Gall worth fighting Bmfor
It Aall comes down toChorusDWho's wrong or right
GWho's black or white
GIt doesn't matter Bmwhat you're bleeding for
D Straight or bi Gor
God almighGty
Doesn't matter Bmunderneath it all
D Cause we're Gonly here to Glove
Like there's Bmno toDmorow
So let's Glive each moment Glike our Bmtime is only borrowedInstrumentalGABm
Verse IIEm Do we Gneed to build a Bmbond
Do we Aneed to fire a Emgun
If you Ghave to stand your Bmground
It's a Awar that can't be Emwon
Is it Gall worth dying Bmfor
It Aall comes down toChorusDWho's rich or poor
GVirgin or w****
Git Doesn't matter Bmwhat you're praying forD
Death or life
GYou're truth almighGty
Doesn't matter Bmunderneath it all
D Cause we're Gonly here to Glove
Like there's Bmno toDmorrow
So let's Glive each moment Glike our Bmtime is only borrowedInstrumentalGABm