Verse 1AIf I had to break it Edown
I'd say itG#m's the way yAou love to dance
AmMovin' the furnitEure when my back is tuC#mrned
TBhe flick of the lights and the world falls awayChorusAnd your offiAce job and your Esilver hair
But our sG#mhapes in the dark are tAhe reason I've stayed for Amall these yEearsInterludeC#mB.
Verse 2I thAought I was a genEius, but now I'm G#mtwenty-two
And iAt's startin' to feAmel like all I know how to Edo is
Put on a suit and tC#make it awayB
ChorusWith my fiAst full of tunes that it's pEainful to play
FinG#mgernail worlds like Afavorite seashells
TAmhey fill up my niEghts and then they flC#moat awaByVerse 3I've got hAundreds of gowns, I've got Epaintings in frames
And a thrG#moat that fills with panic evAery festival day
AmDutifully fallin' apEart for the Princess of C#mNorwayB
ChorusBut yAou, with your tEall slashes, your G#minfinite At-shirts
AmI should've known when your fEavorite record was the Cmsame as my father's
You'd tBake me downVerse 4I gAuess I'll always be this wEay
Swallowed up byG#m the words, and hAalfway to space
AmBut there, by the Efire, you offered your C#mhand
And as I tBook it, I loved you, the boy with the planChorusF#You found me clBean as a F#pine.B
The F#man with the aBxe and the Dlo--Eok in his F#eyes.BF#B.
We'F#ve been through so many haBrd times
I'm writin' a lF#ove song for you, BbabyOutroF#BF#