FIAmknowFyou, I Amwalked with you Conce uBmpon a Cdream
CIBmknowBbyou, that look in your Feyes is so faCmiliar a gleam
And I Fknow Amit's Ftrue that Amvisions are Cseldom Bmall they sCeem
But if FI know Dyou, I Gmknow what you'll Edo
You'll Flove me at Amonce, the D#way you did Bbonce uFpon AmaFdream
But if FI know Dyou, I Gmknow what you'll Edo
You'll Flove me at Amonce, the D#way you did Bbonce uFpon AmaFdream
FIAmknowFyou, I Amwalked with you Conce uBmpon a Cdream
CIBmknowBbyou, the gleam in your Feyes is so faCmiliar a gleam
And I Fknow Amit's Ftrue that Amvisions are Cseldom Bmall they sCeem
But if FI know Dyou, I Gmknow what you'll Edo
You'll Flove me at Amonce, the D#way you did Bbonce uFpon AmaFdream