VerseCFeels like a disrespectful oversDmimplification
FTo say we wanted diffeGrent things
CTo brush it off with an eDmxplanation
FLike attachments, styles, and tGiming
CYou were my everythDming
MaFybe that’s part of the prGoblem
But CI wouldn’t change a tDmhing
NFot from the moment it stGartedChorusWhen you thCink of me
Are you settin’ fire to every mDmemory?
And do you bFelieve
What doesn’t last forever don’t mean anGything?
‘Cause I swCear I loved you fully
And I’m sDmorry not for stayin’ who we thFought I’d be
When you thGink of me
Am I just another man wCho leaves?.Dm
Just another mFan who leaves.G
VerseI hate mysCelf for hurting you, but it would make it worse to fix it
I wDmish I’d figured out a way of keepin’ myself in it
‘Cause FI meant to be the man you were standin’ with
Not another tGally line to justify your fear of abandonment
And I hCate how I lived up to your worst fears
Makes it woDmrse how it worked so well for three years
And it coFuld all be for the best in the end
But for nGow, it feels like losin’ my best friendChorusWhen you thCink of me
Are you settin’ fire to every mDmemory?
And do you belFieve
What doesn’t last forever don’t mean aGnything?
‘Cause I swCear I loved you fully
And I’m sDmorry not for stayin’ who we thoFught I’d be
When you thGink of me
Am I just another man wCho leaves?.Dm
Just another maFn who leavesG
BridgeYCou were my everytDmhing
MFaybe that’s part of the proGblem
But CI wouldn’t change a thDming
NFot from the moment it staGrtedChorusWhen you thCink of me
Are you settin’ fire to every mDmemory?
And do you belFieve
What doesn’t last forever don’t mean aGnything?
‘Cause I swCear I loved you fully
And I’m sDmorry not for stayin’ who we thoFught I’d be
When you thGink of me
Am I just another man who leCaves?