JP Saxe - Tension Chords

  • Artist: JP Saxe
  • Song: Tension
  • Album: Dangerous Levels of Introspection
  • Release Date: 2021-06-25
  • Genre: alt z, canadian contemporary r&b, singer-songwriter pop
  • Key: C Major
  • Tempo: 129
  • Time Signature: 4/4
  • Mode: 1
  • Recommended Tuning: EADGBe (Guitar)
  • Recommended Tuning: GCEA (Ukulele)
  • Listen to JP Saxe - Tension Chords on Spotify

When did JP Saxe release Tension?

Tension was released on 2021-06-25

Capo: none
G / 320003
E/G# / 4x2450
Strumming Pattern: D = Down, U = Up, - = pause
Strumming Pattern #1 - D D U D U D
Strumming Pattern #2 - D D D D D D D
Strumming Pattern #3 - D U D D - D U

The song is 4/4 so meaning each chord receives 4 count. Watch out for that E7 chord in the last chorus.

Also you can end the song with the C or Am chord after the last post chorus part if you don’t want to play the outro/instrumental part.

In the outro/instrumental part; you can change the E7 to G#diminished (xx6707 / 4×0434) to make the chord sound much darker.

something here
Verse 1FYou say things you don’t mean tCoo damn convincingly
AmYou take it back and then exGpect that it won’t stick to me
FWas just an argument, Cno ounce of truth in it
AmI wanna believe you but you cGame off so articulatePre-ChorusFI’ve tried walkiCng away in my hAmead
For a moGment it’s peaceful then it sFcares me to deathC
So I gGuessChorusSometimes Ftension brings us clCoser
Is it wrong, AmI just wanna hold you when it’s Gover?
I get cFold but you get coClder
Is it wrong, AmI just wanna hold you when it’s oGver?
You’re Fnot the things you say, you’re Cnot the things you do
These are the lGies I tell myself to stay with Amyou
Like sometimes tFension,F brings us clGoser
I just wanna hold you when it’s overFEm
You know, AmI just wanna hold you when it’s oGverVerse 2Am You say love’s push and pull
F Well, you’re both the push and the pull
C And I’m hangin’ on for dear life â€G/B™cause I’m scared to let you go
Am The good that’s left in us,F it still feels good enough
C Set us on fire and I’ll fG/Bind a way to hold us upPre-ChorusF I’ve tried waClking away in my hAmead
For a mGoment it’s peaceful then it sFcares me to deathC
So I gGuessChorusSometimes Ftension brings us clCoser
Is it wrong, AmI just wanna hold you when it’s Gover?
I get cFold but you get coClder
Is it wrong, AmI just wanna hold you when it’s oGver?
You’re Fnot the things you say, you’re Cnot the things you do
These are the lGies I tell myself to stay with Amyou
Like sometimes tFension,F brings us clGoser
I just wanna hold you when it’s overFEm
You know, AmI just wanna hold you when it’s oGverPost-ChorusYou know, FI just wanna hold you when it’s Cover
You know, AmI just wanna hold you when G/Bit’s overBridgeYou know, FI would stick around in ways Emhe wouldn’t
You know, AmI put up with things I really sGhouldn’t
You know, Fmost the weight of us is on my sEmhoulders
You know, AmI just wanna hold you when it’s oGver
You know, FI’ll forgive you just keep it sEmimple
You know, AmI will meet you so far past the mGiddle
You know, Fno one’s ever seen you any lEmower
You know, AmI just wanna hold you when it’s GoverChorusSometimes Ftension brings us clCoser
Is it wrong, AmI just wanna hold you when it’s Gover?
I get cFold but you get coClder
Is it wrong, AmI just wanna hold you when it’s oGver?
You’re Fnot the things you say, you’re Cnot the things you do
These are the lGies I tell myself to stay with Amyou
Like sometimes tFension,F brings us clGoser
I just wanna hold you when it’s overFEm
You know, AmI just wanna hold you when it’s oGverPost-ChorusYou know, FI just wanna hold you when it’s Cover
You know, AmI just wanna hold you when iGt’s overOutroAmE/G#GD/F#FE7Asus

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