Johnny Dailey - Friends Farms and Fords Chords

When did Johnny Dailey release Friends, Farms and Fords?

Friends, Farms and Fords was released on 2022-03-04

Capo: none
Strumming Pattern: D = Down, U = Up, - = pause
Strumming Pattern #1 - D D U D U D
Strumming Pattern #2 - D D D D D D D
Strumming Pattern #3 - D U D D - D U
something here
Verse 1DSmall town born dirt road raised
Sunday morning back pew saved
Not lGong after I learned to shave
I heAard that highway call
‘Cause that cDity life on dad’s TV
With them bright light nights
Looked hard to beat
But I sGoon realized that concrBmete
Didn’t fAit my feet at all
It’s just not where I belongChorusI mDiss that corner of the world
Where cBmorn rows put diamonds on girls
SpGit your snuff, sip your shine
DAry your jeans on a backyard line
There’s hDay to bail and grass to mow
BmTwo country stations, one rock and roll
ThGought I knew it all, now I know bAetter
From now Gon it’s friends and fAarms and fords foreDverInterludeD
Verse 2Yeah I can sDee that buckshot exit sign
Smell them tall Southern pines
FGeel the tires on that back road wind
Just lAike it was yesterday
I need a FrDiday night with them good ol’ boys
A double shot of back porch noise
GAlready hear my mama’s voice
Asking Aif I’m on the wayChorusI mDiss that corner of the world
Where cBmorn rows put diamonds on girls
SpGit your snuff, sip your shine
DAry your jeans on a backyard line
There’s hDay to bail and grass to mow
BmTwo country stations, one rock and roll
ThGought I knew it all, now I know bAetter
From now Gon it’s friends and fAarms and fords foreDverBridgeI ain’t nBmever gonna leaAve
Now that I knGow which way to F#go
I’ll trade this Emred light
Backed up traffic jam
For a dAusty country roadInstrumentalDBmGA.
ChorusI mDiss that corner of the world
Where cBmorn rows put diamonds on girls
SpGit your snuff, sip your shine
DAry your jeans on a backyard line
There’s hDay to bail and grass to mow
BmTwo country stations, one rock and roll
ThGought I knew it F#all, now I know bEmetter
From now Gon it’s friends and fAarms and fords foreDver
From now Gon it’s friends and fAarms and fords forDever
DYeah forGeverA.

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