ChorusBorrowed EtimAe, borrowed tEime
ESoon as you drive it off the lot it’s in decBline
Borrowed EtimAe, borrowed tiEme
EGive me some of yours, I’ll gBive you some of miEneVerse 1So it’s foF#mrtune you’ve been afBter
No forAtune have you fEound
Some’ll sEay to cut your losses
Others say to double-doBwn
Maybe you Agot someone to hold you
But can yEou hold them in kind?
You can’t cF#ompromise
With borrAowed tiBmeChorusBorrowed EtimAe, borrowed tiEme
EEverybody needs a little somethin’ they can leave beBhind
Borrowed EtimAe, borrowed tiEme
Yer gonna hEave to give it back someBwhere down the lEineInstrumentalEAE.
Verse 2You gotta wF#match your hypertensBion
The heavy hAeart wears the crEown
Don’t be too hEard on your suspension
As you roll over the grBound
And they’re goAnna want their percentage, boy
Set asEide some to unwind
There just aiF#n’t enough
Borrowed BtimeChorusBorrowed EtimAe, borrowed tiEme
EIt wasn’t God who gave Noah the rainbow sBign
Borrowed EtimAe, borrowed tiEme
EJust listen to that eteBrnal engine whiEneInstrumentalEAE.
Post-ChorusNow the miF#mnutes turn to hBours
And the hAours turn into dEays
Some days I gEo to bed feeling like I just woke up
And it seems like it’s melting aBway
Lord, make Ame an offer I can’t refuse
We were bEorn to win, and bound to lose
F#All of these bad usAes
Of borrowed BtimeOutroBorrowed EtimAe, borrowed tiEme
DepreciaEting like a double-wide trailer on top of a salt mBine
Borrowed EtimAe, borrowed tiEme
GiEve me some of yours, I’ll gBive you some of mEine
EGive me some of yours, I’llB give you some ofE mine