John Moreland - Birds in the Ceiling Chords

  • Artist: John Moreland
  • Song: Lion's Den
  • Album: Birds in the Ceiling
  • Release Date: 2022-07-22
  • Genre: alternative country, new americana, ok indie, southern americana, tulsa indie
  • Key:
  • Tempo:
  • Time Signature: /4
  • Mode: 2
  • Recommended Tuning: EADGBe (Guitar)
  • Recommended Tuning: GCEA (Ukulele)
  • Listen to John Moreland - Birds in the Ceiling Chords on Spotify

When did John Moreland release Lion's Den?

Lion's Den was released on 2022-07-22

Capo: none
Strumming Pattern: D = Down, U = Up, - = pause
Strumming Pattern #1 - D D U D U D
Strumming Pattern #2 - D D D D D D D
Strumming Pattern #3 - D U D D - D U
something here
Verse 1B The night is sinking, and I'm in neEed of a song
There were birds in the ceiling, talking about feelings all sBbdimummer long
B Celestial bodieEs beam down on C#mcasinos
Our fEathers still clinC#mg to their obsolete etBbdimhosVerse 2B You built your house with the wEorld burning down aC#mround you
ENow that I thC#mink of it, I gEuess that's wC#mhat we all Bbdimdo
B I wanna build a new house,E high atop a moC#muntain
Where you'll lEock me in your kinC#mdness anEd never let me out aBbdimgainInterludeBECEE/EbC#m
Verse 3Let a bBird be a bird,E let a tE/Ebrain be a tC#mrain
E Let theE/Eb sky be theC#m sky, Elet the E/Ebrain be theBbdim rain
B Let a curse be a curse, Elet a blE/Ebessing be a blesC#msing
E Death aE/Eblone is cerC#mtain, but liEfe is a beE/Ebautiful quesBbdimtion

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