Verse IAre Amyou, are Dmyou
AmComing to the Etree?
where They sAmtrung up a Dmman
They Gsay who murdered Amthree.
SAmtrange things did Fhappen here
No sAmtranger would it Dbe
If we Ammet at Dmmidnight
EIn the hanging Amtree.
Verse IIAre Amyou, are Dmyou
AmComing to the Etree?
Where Amdead man Dmcalled
out GFor his love to Amflee.
SAmtrange things did Fhappen here
No sAmtranger would it Dbe
If we Ammet at Dmmidnight
EIn the hanging Amtree.
Verse IIIAre Amyou, are Dmyou
AmComing to the Etree?
Where I Amtold you to Dmrun,
So Gwe'd both be Amfree.
AmStrange things did Fhappen here
No sAmtranger would it Dbe
If we Ammet at Dmmidnight
EIn the hanging Amtree.
Verse IVAre Amyou, are Dmyou
AmComing to the Etree?
Wear a Amnecklace of Dmhope,
GSide by side with Amme.
SAmtrange things did Fhappen here
No sAmtranger would it Dbe
If we Ammet at Dmmidnight
EIn the hanging Amtree.
Verse VAre Amyou, are Dmyou
AmComing to the Etree?
Where I Amtold you to Dmrun,
So Gwe'd both be Amfree.
AmStrange things did Fhappen here
No sAmtranger would it Dbe
If we Ammet at Dmmidnight
EIn the hanging Amtree.
Verse VIAre Amyou, are Dmyou
AmComing to the Etree?
where They sAmtrung up a Dmman
They Gsay who murdered Amthree.
SAmtrange things did Fhappen here
No sAmtranger would it Dbe
If we Ammet at Dmmidnight
EIn the hanging Amtree.
Verse VIIAre Amyou, are Dmyou
AmComing to the Etree?
Where Amdead man Dmcalled
out GFor his love to Amflee.
SAmtrange things did Fhappen here
No sAmtranger would it Dbe
If we Ammet at Dmmidnight
EIn the hanging Amtree.