James Bay - Everybody Needs Someone Chords

  • Artist: James Bay
  • Song: Everybody Needs Someone
  • Album: Everybody Needs Someone
  • Release Date: 2022-06-24
  • Genre: neo mellow, pop, uk pop
  • Key: C#/Db Major
  • Tempo: 107
  • Time Signature: 4/4
  • Mode: 1
  • Recommended Tuning: EADGBe (Guitar)
  • Recommended Tuning: GCEA (Ukulele)
  • Listen to James Bay - Everybody Needs Someone Chords on Spotify

When did James Bay release Everybody Needs Someone?

Everybody Needs Someone was released on 2022-06-24

Capo: 1st fret
Strumming Pattern: D = Down, U = Up, - = pause
Strumming Pattern #1 - D D U D U D
Strumming Pattern #2 - D D D D D D D
Strumming Pattern #3 - D U D D - D U
something here
Verse 1CWe're staying up
We're gonna watch the sun G/Bcome out
Everyone's here
The silver's slipping through the clAmouds
I pull this mFoment close
Is thCat me running out of hoGpe?Pre-ChorusDmI'm holding on to patience, undefiGned
We're a world of strangers, chasing sDmigns
Hear this complicated heart of mGineChorusOh oh, oh oCh, all I want is someone when the nG/Bight is long
Half a lonely sAmoul to make me whFole
'Cause everybody neCeds someone.G
Verse 2CThat's it all it takes
A simple little twist of fG/Bate
A little spark
Some strength to keep your heart from brAmeaking when
You gFet so close
'Cause brCeaking comes and breaking goGesPre-ChorusDmI'm holding on to patience, losing tiGme
We're a world of strangers, chasing sDmigns
Hear this complicated heart of mGine (Woah, oh)ChorusOh-oh, oh-oCh, all I want is someone when the nG/Bight is long
Half a lonely sAmoul to make me whFole
'Cause everybody neCeds someone.G
Oh-oh, oh-Coh, all I want is someone when the cG/Browd is gone
To see that I'm aAmlone, to take me hFome
Everybody neCeds someone.G
BridgeFYeah, we all need somebGody
AmYeah, I got you if yCou got mFe
Yeah, we all need someboGdy
AmYeah, I got you if yCou got me
FYeah, we all neGed somebody
ChorusOh-oh, oh-oCh, all I want is someone when the nG/Bight is long
Half a lonely sAmoul to make me whFole
'Cause everybody neCeds someone (GOh-oh)
ACll I want is someone when the cG/Browd is gone
To see that I'm aAmlone, to take me hoFme
'Cause everybody neCeds someone.G
OutroACll I want is someone when the nG/Bight is long
Half a lonely sAmoul to make me whFole
'Cause everybody nCeeds someone.G
We all need someCone

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