Verse 1Is there reGally someone out there cooking aFll of this up, he needs it hCot
He's not trying to find me in a microscope
And I'm not trying to cGope with the idea
He says, "NFope", when his friends ask him
If he thCinks I'm really looking up from way down here
Is there rGeally someone down there trying to hFold on to a world?
He'll never sCee me writing notes, or knocking planets over with my pen
In this mGoment I stay still, I feel FI should try to disturb nothiCngPre-ChorusGF.
ButC I tend to digress from time to tGimeF
Verse 2BaGck here in the headlights
I compFare and I contrast
It's fair to sCay sometimes I make things last longer than they want to last
FGall when I was younger
Or next spFring when I'll be singing songs about nCow
Wondering just how I got from there to here
GOr the other way around
Am FI just a proper noun?ChorusCI tend to digress from time to tGimeF
Yeah, CI tend to digress from time to tAmime
Is it time to start over agaA7sus4in?
Oh time, Is it time to start over again?BridgeBut I want mGeaning I want reason
It's not enFough to have a pleasing morning
LiCstening to birds sing songs about getting their money's worth
Or the eGarth beneath the cement
Beneath the cFhair I'm sitting in
Under the rCoof over my head
Under a sky that's turning red
Under the sGtars, begin to shine
As I becFome unstuck in time
Waking Cup in strange places
Chasing good conversations with my friendGs
Where'd my mind go? With my friFends
What do I know?
CI tend to digress from time to tiGme