Hunter Hayes - Wild Card Chords

  • Artist: Hunter Hayes
  • Song: Wild Card
  • Album: Storyline
  • Release Date: 2014-05-06
  • Genre: contemporary country, country, country road, modern country rock
  • Key:
  • Tempo:
  • Time Signature: /4
  • Mode: 2
  • Recommended Tuning: EADGBe (Guitar)
  • Recommended Tuning: GCEA (Ukulele)
  • Listen to Hunter Hayes - Wild Card Chords on Spotify

When did Hunter Hayes release Wild Card?

Wild Card was released on 2014-05-06

Capo: 2nd Fret
Strumming Pattern: D = Down, U = Up, - = pause
Strumming Pattern #1 - D D U D U D
Strumming Pattern #2 - D D D D D D D
Strumming Pattern #3 - D U D D - D U
something here
Verse II Adidn't see it coming The kiss was so unpredictable
And F#mmaybe it's the mystery In you that I'm addicted to it
It's Doverrated knowing someboGdy so well It takes away the Afire.G.
It's Afunny when you tell me you don't think you're all that interesting
I F#mbeg to differ, with you I'm out here on the edge of my seat
And Devery minute guessing, holGding my breath you're fueling that Afire.G.
ChorusAnd baby you're my Awild card
My perfect little F#mtwist of fate
You're my Dfirst spark, Shot Gin the dark
Favorite part of AeverythingG
And baby you're a Asweet surprise
Lucky like a F#mshooting star
You're a sDtrong, free,
Just what I Gneed,
Wild cardAF#mDG.
Verse III'm an Aunsuspecting dreamer
Just marching through my every day
You don't F#mfollow any leaders
You make your mark, and make a change
You could Dsee that I was living, oh
But Gbaby now I'm living the lAife, yeah.G.
You can Ablame it on the gravity
The reason that I'm falling
But the F#mtruth is I would jump
And girl you're everything I've wanted
It's a Drevelation,
Yeah, kind of Gelevation
Learning to flAyG.
ChorusAnd baby you're my Awild card
My perfect little F#mtwist of fate
You're my Dfirst spark, Shot Gin the dark
Favorite part of AeverythingG
And baby you're a Asweet surprise
Lucky like a F#mshooting star
You're a sDtrong, free,
Just what I Gneed,
Wild cardAF#mDGA.
You're my Awild card
Got me happy like a F#mholiday
DOut of the blue been Gwaiting on you praying for you Aeveryday.G.
And baby you're a Asweet surprise
looking like a F#msuper star
You're a sDtrong, free,
Just what I Gneed,
Wild cardAF#mDGA.

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