Verse 1I wCalk down memory laneAm
Cuz I lovFe running into youG
“How aCre you?” “I’m doing greatAm”
And I hFave you back for a fewGChorusI jFust love the iFmdea
When I sCee ya Bmin my hAmead
That’s why I wFalk down memory lane
Cuz it’s the only plGace
That I have you againInterludeCAmFG
Verse 2You tCell me all your bad jokesAm
I laFugh when the punch lines endG
You’re weCaring yBmour yellow coatAm
The oFne you were wearing whenGChorus 2We daFnced in your old kFmitchen
I still miCss it eBmvery dayAm
I’ll alGways laFugh at all your bad jokes
While I keep walking dGown this road cuzBridgeIt’s aFll that I have leGft of you
No there’s nCothing lBmeft for uAms to do
Here on EFarth so all our meGmories
Are my aCll time fBmavoriteAm movie
The oFlder that I gGet the more
I cCan’t let yBmou goAm yet
Every biFrthday and holiday
Wish you were hGere to celebrateVerse 1So I waClk down memory laneAm
Cuz I lovFe running into youG
“How aCre you?” “I’m doing greatAm”
And I hFave you back for a fewGChorus 3You knFow I’d walk for miFmles
For that smCile not Bmto endAm
That’s why GI walkF down memory lane
Cuz it’s the only plGace
That you haven’t left yet