Verse II f****** Dhate these nights, the Gones where you don't know me
If I could Dget this right, if I could Gget away from the old me
But DI'll survive, right now I'm Gdying just to breathe in
Just to Dbe alive, just to Gget away from the old mePre-ChorusThere's only Bmmakeshift love toGnight
There's a Dtriage in my Aliving room
She Bmchecks my vital sigGns
Then Dopens up my AwoundsChorusLike I'm Ddying toAnight
And the Emwhole world is lauGghing
Like Deveryone I Alove has gone aEmway
I'm Ddying toAnight
But Emno one is crGying
It's Dnot all right no Amatter what they Emsay
WhoaaGaVerse III f*****' Dhate these fights
The Gones where you just own me
We used to Dbe so tight (yeah right)
But Gyou just want the old me
Turn off the Dgod damn lights (turn off the god damn lights!)
If you're Greally gonna get up and just leave
I used to Dget so high
But Gthat was just the f****** old mePre-ChorusThere's only Bmmakeshift love toGnight
There's a Dtriage in my Aliving room
She'll Bmcheck my vital siGgns
To Dsee what else Ashe can doChorusLike I'm Ddying toAnight
And the Emwhole world is lauGghing
Like Deveryone I Alove has gone aEmway
I'm Ddying toAnight
But Emno one is crGying
It's Dnot all right no Amatter what they Emsay
WhoaaGaBridgeDAll that she Awanted was Gme broken hearted
DI know it's Asad but it's Gtrue
I Dwon't get her sAtarted, Gnow she's departed
There's Dno looking Aback me and GyouPre-ChorusThere's only Bmmakeshift love toGnight
There's a Dtriage in my Aliving room
She'll Bmcheck my vital siGgns
To Dsee what else Ashe can doChorusLike I'm Ddying toAnight
And the Emwhole world is lauGghing
Like Deveryone I Alove has gone aEmway
I'm Ddying toAnight
But Emno one is crGying
It's Dnot all right no Amatter what they Emsay
DAll that she Awanted was Emme broken hearGted
I Dknow it's Asad but Emit's Gtrue