Foy Vance - Sapling Chords

  • Artist: Foy Vance
  • Song: Sapling
  • Album: Sapling / Signs Of Life
  • Release Date: 2021-05-27
  • Genre: british singer-songwriter, indie folk, irish singer-songwriter, uk americana
  • Key: A#/Bb Minor
  • Tempo: 129
  • Time Signature: 4/4
  • Mode: 0
  • Recommended Tuning: EADGBe (Guitar)
  • Recommended Tuning: GCEA (Ukulele)
  • Listen to Foy Vance - Sapling Chords on Spotify

When did Foy Vance release Sapling?

Sapling was released on 2021-05-27

Capo: 1st fret
Strumming Pattern: D = Down, U = Up, - = pause
Strumming Pattern #1 - D D U D U D
Strumming Pattern #2 - D D D D D D D
Strumming Pattern #3 - D U D D - D U

Another piece from " Foy Vance "
its a beautiful song so i make a simple chord run on this song 😀
its only a 5 basic chords that i used 😀
hope you enjoy guys 😀

something here
Verse 1I remember wGay back when
I felt only eDnnui
Like nothing could coAmplete meA
No promise of a rGising sun
Illuminating Deveryone
The very thoughtA defeatedA
My life was a Gblinding light
Must be what it's like when Dworlds collide
Especially when he sAees her
Pretty soon, he'll tease her
I was on the rGoad too long
My laboured lover, Donly song
Not one of them a keAeperA.
ChorusBut if I wGoke in the morning to find you were gone
BmI know I'd try and find the will to be strong
But am I sDtrong enough?
Am I strAong enough?
I oGnce built a bower, I could build you a home
ToBmgether forever, but forever and on is still Dnot long enough
It's still nAot long enoughVerse 2I know the fear was Gin your eyes
And I could see mDyself as a child
Such a devastaAting feelingA
I wished I could Ggo back in time
But all I could do was aDpologise
Right then, your eyAes were healing
AHealingChorusBut if I wGoke in the morning to find you were gone
BmI know I'd try and find the will to be strong
But am I sDtrong enough?
Am I strAong enough?
I oGnce built a bower, I could build you a home
ToBmgether forever, but forever and on is still Dnot long enough
It's still nAot long enoughBridgeOh, I've been CGain, but I wanna be ADbel
Been a drunkAen fool
But I Dwanted to be sD/F#table enGough to lay every one of my caDrds on the table
HoApe it's not too late for us to find a way toChorusBut if I wGoke in the morning to find you were gone
BmI know I'd try and find the will to be strong
But am I sDtrong enough?
Am I strAong enough?
I oGnce built a bower, I could build you a home
ToBmgether forever, but forever and on is still Dnot long enough
It's still nAot long enoughOutroI went lGooking inside myself for a home
Found oBmnly a sapling in search of an oak
But it's a stDart, my love
Oh, it's a sAtart, my love
But am IG strong enough?

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