FINNEAS - A Concert Six Months From Now Chords

When did FINNEAS release A Concert Six Months From Now?

A Concert Six Months From Now was released on 2021-10-15

Capo: none
Strumming Pattern: D = Down, U = Up, - = pause
Strumming Pattern #1 - D D U D U D
Strumming Pattern #2 - D D D D D D D
Strumming Pattern #3 - D U D D - D U

While doing the C chord, strum it with the D string open then hammer it with your middle finger on the 2nd fret of the D string after the first strum. He's doing that on every C chord, try listening to the track you won't miss it.

something here

Em.....D/F#.......G....C....D.Verse 1Your favorite bEmand is back onD/F# the rGoad
And this fall, they're plCayin' the Hollywood Bowl
I've aDlready puEmrchased two seats for tD/F#heir sGhow
I guess I'm an opCtimist
D201Em1, you stole my hD/F#eart hGere
And I couldn't liCsten to that band for years
'Til tDhat night last sEmummer when you rD/F#eappeaGred
Forgot how bad I wCanted this..D...ChorusIf EmI could see the fuDture
I neCver would beAmlieve her
FaCllin' in and out of love and fallin' in again
C....Bm.....AmWe were never any good at bein' friendsVerse 2When Harry Met SaEmlly, and you fell D/F#asleeGp
I clos?d your comCputer and stole the top sheet
I was strDung out in AuEmstin for nearlyD/F# a weeGk
Anxiety like wCe were kids
I've been thinkin' too mEmuch and it's ruined D/F#my nigGhts
But it's hard when it iCsn't, to let yourself slide
And my heDart doesn't sEmlow down when you kill D/F#the liGghts
I never learned to cCall it quits..D...ChorusIf EmI could see the fuDture
I neCver would beAmlieve her
FaCllin' in and out of love and fallin' in again
C....Bm.....AmWe were never any good at bein' friendsVerse 3I'll go hGungry and crazy and hoCnest for you
I don't aAmlways get angry, but I'm proA7mising to
If it's aCll that you want then it's all that I can Emdo.....D...
Desire never mCade any sense
I'll wait for yEmears, but I won't wD/F#ait alGone
And then someday you'll wCait for my face on your phone
And I'll cDall and I'll Emsay, "I think you should cD/F#ome hoGme"
'Cause I'm tired of beCin' your ex..D...
Can EmI take you oDut to a coCncert six months from nAmow?

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