Eyedress - Something About You Chords (Dent May)

When did Eyedress release Something About You?

Something About You was released on 2021-08-27

Capo: none
Strumming Pattern: D = Down, U = Up, - = pause
Strumming Pattern #1 - D D U D U D
Strumming Pattern #2 - D D D D D D D
Strumming Pattern #3 - D U D D - D U
something here
chorusF In the car
EmCruising aAmround with yDmou
And my baby
You know that I got you
F Hit the road
I’m Emtaking Amoff with yDmou
Not in a hurry
There’s something aEmbout you
Ohhhverse 1FLeave the EmcarAm
At the vDmalet
Cash only.Em
FCheck me EminAm
Pop the chaDmmpagne
Don PerignonEm
FPour me a glEmassAm
She’s got goDmod taste
So goodEm
FTake off our cloEmthesAm
By the fDmire place
Yeahpre-chorusDmShe lEmooks just like a drDmeam
The Emprettiest girl I’ve eDmver seen
EmFrom the cover of a DmmagazEmine
chorusF In the car
EmCruising aAmround with yDmou
And my baby
You know that I got you
F Hit the road
I’m Emtaking Amoff with yDmou
Not in a hurry
There’s something aEmbout you
Ohhhverse 2FWe stayed uEmp all Amnight
And sleptDm til noonEm
FIt’s so nicEme to wakAme up nexDmt to youEm
FLet’s starEmt the Amday with breaDmkfast in bedEm
FThink I’m gEmonna Amlove you tillDm I’m deadEm
pre-chorusDmI can’t waiEmt to buy you thDmings
A brand newEm diamond ring
DmThis is moEmre than just a DmflingEm
chorusF In the car
EmCruising aAmround with yDmou
And my baby
You know that I Emgot you
FHit the road
I’m Emtaking Amoff with yDmou
Not in a hurry
There’s something aEmbout you
OhhhoutroFThere’s Emsomething abouAmt you girl
There’s something about Emyou
FEmSomething abouAmt youDm
Something aEmbout

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