Emily Ann Roberts - The Building Chords

When did Emily Ann Roberts release The Building?

The Building was released on 2022-11-04

Capo: 2nd Fret
Strumming Pattern: D = Down, U = Up, - = pause
Strumming Pattern #1 - D D U D U D
Strumming Pattern #2 - D D D D D D D
Strumming Pattern #3 - D U D D - D U
something here

IntroA.....Verse 1I can't help but wAonder if these floorboard creaked the sDame in '4A2
When my great grEandpa his F#mheart and soul into pBmreachin' the good nEews
And these tAattered old red hymn books have caDught a tear or tAwo
'Cause it's hEard to sing 'em, just F#mas I am, without the sBmpirit movin' yEou
If those Bmaltars at the fDront could testiEfy I know they'd say
It nBmever once got oDld hearing a sEinner call his nameChorusI know the stDained glass never saved a soul
And these pBmews ain't on the roll that's caAlled up yonder
I know the pDulpit's just a wooden stand
But it's fBmelt the power of God's hand
As His glAory filled the E/Abplace with awe and F#mwonder
I knEow it's just a bBmuilding, plain and simple wEhite
But it's the bBmuilding where JEesus changed my lAifeInterludeA....Verse 2It never clAaimed to be the biggest, nobody eDver called it cAool
But it's where my mEama met my dF#maddy at vacBmation bible scEhool
It's in the piActure-perfect dream of a thDousand glowin' brAides
It's heard the wEeeping as F#mloved ones laid to Bmrest with sad goodbEyesChorusAnd I know the staDined glass never saved a soul
And these Bmpews ain't on the roll that's cAalled up yonder
I know the puDlpit's just a wooden stand
But it's Bmfelt the power of God's hand
As His glAory filled the E/Abplace with awe and wF#monder
I kEnow it's just a bBmuilding, plEain and simple white
But it's the buiBmlding where JEesus changed my lAifeBridgeIt's where I lF#mearned that Jesus hears my prayers
And he's wC#/Falkin' with me everywhere
And no Esus4matter what I've done I know I'm B/Ebloved
I'mBm always loveEd
I know it wAon't stand here forever
And I'll sure mDiss it when it's gAone
And I'll Ebe forever gF#mrateful to have cBmalled that Echurch my hAomeChorusI know the stDained glass never saved a soul
And these Bmpews ain't on the roll that's cAalled up yonder
I A/C#know the pDulpit's just a wooden stand
But it's fBmelt the power of God's hand
As His glAory filled the pE/Ablace with awe and wF#monder
I kEnow it's just a bBmuilding, plain and simple wEhite
But it's the bDuilding where JEesus cC#/Fhanged F#mmy liB/EbfeOutroIt's the bBmuilding where JEesus changed my liAfe..D...A.

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