Demi Lovato - Something That We're Not Chords

When did Demi Lovato release Something That We're Not?

Something That We're Not was released on 2013-01-01

Capo: 1st fret
Strumming Pattern: D = Down, U = Up, - = pause
Strumming Pattern #1 - D D U D U D
Strumming Pattern #2 - D D D D D D D
Strumming Pattern #3 - D U D D - D U
something here
Verse IGI should've Emknown when CI got you Galone
GThat you were Emway too Cinto me to Gknow
GThis isn't lEmove boy, Cthis ain't even cGlose
But Emyou aDlways think we're Csomething that wGe're not
GAnd now you Emcall me Cevery single Gnight
GI only Emanswer Ccause I'm too Gpolite
GWe happened Emonce, or mCaybe it was Gtwice
Yeah Emyou aDlways make it Chard for me to Gstop
But Emyou aDlways think we're Csomething that wGe're not!ChorusCYou wanna be Gmore than just friends
DI can't go Gthrough this again
CStop trying to Gget inside my hDeadG.
CDon't wanna do Gmore than hook-up
DIt's getting sEmtupid, cause EmIDshoulda Cknown but I Gforgot
That EmyouDthink we're sComething that we'Gre not (hey!)
Verse IIGI hear you're Emtelling evCery one you Gknow (hey!)
GThat I'm the Emone like yCou cant let me Ggo (hey!)
GAnd you just Emkeep on blCowing up my phGone
Cause Emyou nDever seem to kCnow when you should sGtop
GDon't introEmduce me to Cany of your Gfriends
GDelete my nEmumber, dCon't call me Gagain
GWe had some Emfun, but Cnow it's gonna Gend
Yeah Emyou aDlways make it Chard for me to Gstop
Now Emyou aDlways think we're Csomething that wGe're not!ChorusCYou wanna be Gmore than just friends
DI can't go Gthrough this again
CStop trying to Gget inside my hDeadG.
CDon't wanna do Gmore than hook-up
DIt's getting sEmtupid, cause EmIDshoulda Cknown but I Gforgot
That EmyouDthink we're sComething that we'Gre not (hey!)
EmyouDthink we're sComething that we'Gre not
Yeah, Emyou.Dthink we're sComething that we'Gre-.pauseNot gonna happen dude
CYou wanna be Gmore than just friends
DI can't go Gthrough this again
CStop trying to Gget inside my hDeadG.
CDon't wanna do Gmore than hook-up
DIt's getting sEmtupid, cause EmIDshoulda Cknown but I Gforgot
That EmyouDthink we're sComething that we'Gre not (hey!)
EmyouDthink we're sComething that we'Gre not

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