Verse 1I've spent some tGime now.DAthinking aGbout you.DA.
These dGays remDain in the fArames that we already Gsee through.DA.
It's like Gwe know somethDing, jAust us two
No one eGlse can sDeem to Aget
I've seen Ga lot by nDow but nAothing else compGared to iDtA.
ChorusSo don't tGryDAto sGell me on sDome cheap lAove
NobGody comes clDose to gAetting me like she doGesD/F#A.
No I don't mGind.DAhGaving Dmy only Aone
'Cause noGbody comes clDose to gAetting me like she dGoes.D/F#A.
Verse 2You know GI get so sDtuck, I'm sAtuck in a rut
And I sGtart to feel Dso confAused
What uGse is a sDong when I wArite it for no one
And GI never knDew it was yAou?
It's like yGou know me bDetter than
AI know how You belGieve me more tDhan mysAelf
Yeah, iGt's a great big wDorld
But Awhat good is love without sGomeone else?.D/F#A.
ChorusSo don't tGryDAto sGell me on sDome cheap lAove
NobGody comes clDose to gAetting me like she doGesD/F#A.
No I don't mGind.DAhGaving Dmy only Aone
'Cause noGbody comes clDose to gAetting me like she dGoes.D/F#A.
Post-ChorusOf all of the lGife that I hDave
I wAant to be with you
I fGeel it like pDouring rAain
There's nothing eGlse that I'd raDther Abe than in love with you eGvery dD/F#ay
AAnd you could take all the tGime that I hDave
I'm nAothing without you
MGaybe we're juDst the sAame
Taking the fGeeling of lDove and tAurning it into bGeautiful D/F#nameA.
BridgeOh Em7myD/F#
All this Gtime
All my lEm7ifeD/F#
It was always yAou, yeahChorusSo don't tGryDAto sGell me on sDome cheap lAove
NobGody comes clDose to gAetting me like she doGesD/F#A.
No I don't mGind.DAhGaving Dmy only Aone
'Cause noGbody comes clDose to gAetting me like she dGoes.D/F#A.
Post-ChorusOf all of the lGife that I hDave
I wAant to be with you
I fGeel it like pDouring rAain
There's nothing eGlse that I'd raDther Abe than in love with you eGvery dD/F#ay
AAnd you could take all the tGime that I hDave
I'm nAothing without you
MGaybe we're juDst the sAame
Taking the fGeeling of lDove and tAurning it into bGeautiful D/F#nameA.