Conner Smith - Somewhere In A Small Town Chords

When did Conner Smith release Somewhere In A Small Town?

Somewhere In A Small Town was released on 2022-01-14

Capo: 4th Fret
Strumming Pattern: D = Down, U = Up, - = pause
Strumming Pattern #1 - D D U D U D
Strumming Pattern #2 - D D D D D D D
Strumming Pattern #3 - D U D D - D U
something here
Verse 1SGomewhere
A liDttle ways off the intersBmtate
There's foAur tires racing down a tGwo lane
While he's mDessin' with his phone
Tryin' to fBmigure out what song to pAlay
Yeah, soGmewhere, in a rDed brick one-story hBmouse
She's trAied on everything Gby now
Keep's loDokin' out her window
HBmopin' he ain't pulled up yAetChorus'Cause soGmewhere, in a smDall town, there's a Bmboy and a girl
Just fAallin' in love with a sGunset
That's gDoin down while they're sBmittin' on the back
Of his daAddy's old truck
She's lauGghin', he's nervous
'Cause sDhe looks so perfect
Just lBmike you right noAw, somewhere in a smGall town.D
Somewhere in a sBmmall tAownVerse 2Yeah, sGomewhere
On a hiDll top, he's tryin' hard to lBmisten
But he can't stop thAinkin' 'bout when he's gonna meGan it
Right moDment, don't wanna rBmush it or take too lAong
Yeah, soGmewhere
You can sDee every star in the Bmsky
There's two on a taAilgate
AIn't looked at 'em oGne time
Just a coDunty full of fence lines and dBmirt
But they found a little heAaven on earthChorus'Cause soGmewhere, in a sDmall town, there's a Bmboy and a girl
Just faAllin' in love with a sGunset
That's goDin' down yeah, they keep gBmettin' closer
Of his daAddy's old truck
She's laGughin', he's nervous
'Cause sDhe looks so perfect
Just Bmlike you right nAow
Somewhere in a smGall town.D
Somewhere in a sBmmall toAwnBridgeShe jGust stole his jacket
He jDust took her hand
They jBmust wanna stay there as loAng as they canChorus'Cause soGmewhere, in a smAall town, there's a Bmboy and a girl
Just faAllin' in love with a sGunset
That's gDoin' down yeah, they kBmeep gettin' closer
They caAn't get enough
She's lauGghin', he's nervous
'Cause shDe looks so perfect
Just lBmike you right nAow
Somewhere in a smGall town.D
Somewhere in a sBmmall tAownOutroYeah, they're waGtchin' that moon fade
And they're trDacin' that sky
She kBmeeps gettin' closer
He donA't wanna say goodniGght.D
SomewBmhere, somewhAere

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