Verse 1If tD7here ever was a way to rate a man
On a cG7owboy scale of one to ten
Kinda lA7ike you would a women or a chili pepper
A G7one ain’t hot, but a ten’ll stop your ticker
It’d be bD7ased on courage and attitude
Not the bG7and on the hat or the bling on the boot
Less aA7bout the out, more about the within
On this cG7owboy scale of one to tenInterludeG7D7A7D7
Verse 2Now take the prD7etty boy over at the bar for example
His ReG7sistol’s huge and his BS. is ample
But I got a fA7eelin’ he’s nev?r stepped in none
And on th? cG7owboy scale that puts him down around a one
Now the guy in the bD7all cap, the t-shirt, and dirty ol’ jeans
Got a dG7ozen gold buckles that you’ll probably never see
‘Cause he rA7eally don’t give a damn what you think he is
On your cG7owboy scale of one D7to tenChorusSG7ome ride bD7ulls and sA7ome ride feD7nces
G7Some ride D7off iE7nto that sA7unset
G7Some drive cD7attle and sBmome drAive ChGevy’s
But tE7hey all drive them laA7dies crazyInterludeG7D7A7D7
Verse 3Now the cD7owgirls, boys, they’re the ones who know
The real dG7eal from ol’ Ricky Rodeo
Cause let me tA7ell ya fellas, ’til they see you ride
They’ll never gG7ive you more than a four, maybe five
Now not all cD7owboys hail from the Lonestar state
CaliforG7nia, Alaska to Canada, eh?
I even know a A7few hippies, long hair and tattoos
That sG7ure are some tough mother buA7ckaroosChorusSG7ome ride bD7ulls and sA7ome ride fD7ences
G7Some ride D7off iE7nto that sA7unset
G7Some drive cD7attle and sBmome drAive ChGevy’s
But tE7hey all drive them lA7adies crazyInterludeG7D7A7D7
Verse 4So if ya D7ever took a big ol’ dip of Copenhagen
Started bG7arroom brawls or just participated
Know a quA7arter horse can’t be started with a coin
Y’aG7in’t quite there yet, boys, but you’re getting warm
D7I’ve been around some, and I’d like to say
If you rG7eally wanna know who’s the real John Wayne
Well, that’s the folks who seA7rve and protect this great land
And on the cowboy scale
That’s a G7top drawer tenOutroG7D7A7D7