ChorusI see you drCiving round town with the gD7irl I love
And I'm like "FM7Forget you" (OCoh ooh ooh)
I guess the chCange in my pocket wD7asn't enough
And I'm like "FM7Forget you, and fCorget her too."
If CI was richer, I'd stD7ill be with ya
FM7Now ain't that some s**C* (Ain't that some s***)
And though there's pCain in my chest I still wD7ish you the best
With a FM7"Forget you"C.
Verse II said I'm sCorry I can't afford a FD7errari
FM7 But that don't mean I can't get you therCe
I guess he's an CXboxand I'm more AtD7ari
FM7 But the way you play your game ain't fCair
I pity the fCool who fD7alls in love with you
Oh sFM7*** she's a gold digger, Cjust thought you should know n****
COoh, I gD7ot some news for you
FM7 You can go run and tell your boyfriend.C.
ChorusI see you drCiving round town with the gD7irl I love
And I'm like "FM7Forget you"(COoh ooh ooh)
I guess the chCange in my pocket wD7asn't enough
And I'm like "FM7Forget you, and fCorget her too."
If CI was richer, I'd stD7ill be with ya
FM7 Now ain't that some s***C (Ain't that some s***)
And though there's pCain in my chest I still wD7ish you the best
With a FM7"Forget you"C.
Verse IINow CI know I had to bD7orrow, bFM7eg and steal and lie and cheatC
Tryin to kCeep ya, tryin' to plD7ease ya
Cause FM7being in love with your a** ain't cheaCp
I pity the fCool who fD7alls in love with you
Oh sFM7*** she's a gold digger, Cjust thought you should know n****
COhh, I gD7ot some news for you
OohFM7, I really hate your a** right nowChorusI see you drCiving round town with the gD7irl I love
And I'm like "FM7Forget you"(COoh ooh ooh)
I guess the chCange in my pocket wD7asn't enough
And I'm like "FM7Forget you, and fCorget her too."
If CI was richer, I'd stD7ill be with ya
FM7Now ain't that some s**C* (Ain't that some s***)
And though there's pCain in my chest I still wD7ish you the best
With a FM7"Forget you"C.
BridgeNow bEmaby, baby, baby
Why d'you wAmanna wanna hurt me so bDmad?
(So bad, so bad,G so bad)
I trEmied to tell my momma but she tAmold me
"This is one for your dDmad"
(Your dad, your dad,G your dad)
EmUh! Whhhy? AmUh! Whhhy? DmUh!
Whhhy bGaby? EmOh! I love you Amoh!
I still love Dmyou. GOooh!
ChorusI see you drCiving round town with the gD7irl I love
And I'm like "FM7Forget you"(COoh ooh ooh)
I guess the chCange in my pocket wD7asn't enough
And I'm like "FM7Forget you, and fCorget her too."
If CI was richer, I'd stD7ill be with ya
FM7Now ain't that some s**C* (Ain't that some s***)
And though there's pCain in my chest I still wD7ish you the best
With a FM7"Forget you"C.