VerseWell, church gaGther 'round 'cause we got us a pC7roblem
There's a lot of iD7nspiration floating around these dGays
Words that paGint a pretty picture, but you won't fC7ind them in the scripture
That's beD7cause they're all from the book of second oGpinions, mm-hmmVerseWell, they'll say fGollow your heart where it lC7eads you
Just let that lD7ittle voice inside you show the wGay
I guess the mGillion-dollar question: Is that your hC7eart or indigestion?
'Cause the hD7eart's been known to lead a fool astrGayChorusIt ain't hard to get hC7ooked on the book of second opGinions
We'd rather live our own tD7ruth, don't tell us what to do, just what we wanna hGear
But it's high tC7ime we turned our interest to God's wGord inD/F#stead of PEminterest
And fD7inally close the book of second opinGionsVerseWe'll say evGerything happens for a rC7eason
And just to gD7ive our foolish ways a clever sGpin
And I've heard 'em say the LGord won't give you anything you can't hC7andle
But the truth is D7we can't handle anything without HGimChorusIt ain't hard to get hC7ooked on the book of second opinGions
We'd rather live our own tD7ruth, don't tell us what to do, just what we wanna hGear
But it's high tC7ime we turned our interest to God's wGord insD/F#tead of PEminterest
And fD7inally close the book of second opiGnionsBridgeBut You say C7I don't have to change 'cause it jGust the way I am
I got D7all the proof I need right here Gin my Enneagram
I can tell myself it's aC7lways been about me, so give me self-lGove and positivity
But all the gA7ood vibes in the world will never mD7ake a dead heart beat
Well, the woGrld might tell you all roads lead to HC7eaven
Well, to tD7hat, there's just one thing I'd like to sGay
There's one thrGone and I'm not on it, a solid rC7ock and I stand upon it
And JD7esus is the truth, the life, the wGayChorusIt ain't hard to get hC7ooked on the book of second opinGions
We'd rather live our own tD7ruth, don't tell us what to do, just what we wanna hGear
But it's high tC7ime we turned our interest to God's wGord insD/F#tead of PEminterest
And fD7inally close the book of second opiGnions
It's high tC7ime we turned our interest to GGod's word inD/F#stead of PiEmnterest
And fD7inally close the book of second oC7pinions.G