Calum Scott - The Way You Loved Me Chords

When did Calum Scott release The Way You Loved Me?

The Way You Loved Me was released on 2022-06-17

Capo: 4th Fret
Strumming Pattern: D = Down, U = Up, - = pause
Strumming Pattern #1 - D D U D U D
Strumming Pattern #2 - D D D D D D D
Strumming Pattern #3 - D U D D - D U
something here

Verse 1How is it a thGing?
That I could be your eAmverything
Then suddenly I'm nEmot like suddenly it stCops
How is it a thGing?
That you can go from cAmalling me
To now my number's lEmost, it's like you just forgCotPre-ChorusRemAmember when you drove all night
JCust to wake up by my sEmide, by my sDideChorusI lCove the way you lGoved me
I hEmate the wDay you dCon't
It feCels so weird to mGe that you don't fEmeel it anymDore
And I'd lCike for you to chGange your mind
But Emwe both knDow you wCon't
I lCove the way you lGoved me
I hDate the way you dGon'tVerse 2How can you pretGend?
Like it was just my fAmantasy, like it was only Emme
And I'm kidding mysCelf
Oh, how can you pretGend?
That You don't love my fAmamily
Like they were yours as wEmell
The lies you tell yoursCelfPre-ChorusRemAmember when you stayed at mine
JCust to wake up by my sEmide, by my sDideChorusI lCove the way you lGoved me
I hEmate the wDay you dCon't
It feCels so weird to mGe that you don't fEmeel it anymDore
And I'd lCike for you to chGange your mind
But Emwe both knDow you wCon't
I lCove the way you lGoved me
And I hEmate the wDayBridgeYou tAmold me that you've been seCarching
For what I gGave you in somebody eDlse
And I'm sAmorry that I just mCoved on
And what's done Gis done, and you're by yoursDelfChorusThinking You lCove the way I lGoved you
And You hEmate the wDay I Cdon't
It feCels so weird to yGou that I don't fEmeel it anymoreD
And you'd lCike for me to chGange my mind
But we bEmoth knDow I wCon't
You lCove the way I lGoved you
You hDate the way.....I dGon't

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