Brandyn Burnette State I'm In Chords

When did Brandyn Burnette release State I'm In?

State I'm In was released on 2016-06-24

Capo: none

Strumming Pattern: D = Down, U = Up, - = pause
Strumming Pattern #1 - D D U D U D
Strumming Pattern #2 - D D D D D D D
Strumming Pattern #3 - D U D D - D U
something here
GSteady as she goes, holding onto hope
DInto the unknown I drift away
EmRipping at the seams, vivid like a dream
CI saw you long before you came
GNow, now, tell me where you heart is
DRight back in the place it started
EmWoah, Cwoah
GI’ve gotta figure a way out of this state I’m in
DCause life been bringing way down
EmI’m not giving in
CI might be crazy, but I’ll be alright
GCause the only way to take Doff
EmIs to face what’s on my mind Cand
GWalk on the water, yeah, walk it together
DTo a better place, yeah, to a better state, yeah
EmWe’re light as a feather no matter the weather
CGotta find a way to kill the pain
From this state I’m in
GCall out peace brings prosperity, truth over clarity
DMind you it’s charity, all that we give
EmIf left reprimanded to life’s empty handed
CAnd taken for granted the life that we live
GIf only we know the difference we tread
DThe people that falter, the roads that we lead
EmTo start back again, we follow the path to it
CTo walk on the water, two feet cannot do it
GI’ve gotta figure a way out of this state I’m in
DCause life been bringing way down
EmI’m not giving in
CI might be crazy, but I’ll be alright
GCause the only way to take Doff
EmIs to face what’s on my mind Cand
GWalk on the water, yeah, walk it together
DTo a better place, yeah, to a better state, yeah
EmWe’re light as a feather no matter the weather
CGotta find a way to kill the pain
From this state we’re in now
GCall out peace brings prosperity, truth over clarity
DMind you it’s charity, all that we give
EmIf left reprimanded to life’s empty handed
CAnd taken for granted the life that we live
GIf only we know the difference we tread
DThe people that falter, the roads that we lead
EmTo start back again, we follow the path to it
CTo walk on the water, two feet cannot do it

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