Billy Talent - Hanging Out with All the Wrong People Chords

When did Billy Talent release Hanging Out With All The Wrong People?

Hanging Out With All The Wrong People was released on 2022-01-21

Capo: 3rd Fret
Strumming Pattern: D = Down, U = Up, - = pause
Strumming Pattern #1 - D D U D U D
Strumming Pattern #2 - D D D D D D D
Strumming Pattern #3 - D U D D - D U
something here

Bm.....Em.....F#7......Bm..VerseWell, it was Bmmany moons ago
That I just Emdid what I was told
When I was hF#7anging out with all the wrong pBmeople
I stole a Bmcar, I robbed a bank
I syphoned Emgas out of a tank
I made decF#7isions some would call ilBmlegal
It all came cBmatching up to me
Right at the aEmge of 23
I met the cF#7onsequence of reckless Bmego
They cuffed my hBmands, sent me to jail
Then gave me tEmwenty months, no bail
Said I'd been hF#7anging out with all the wrong pBmeopleChorusHBmanging out with all the wrong pEmeople
I was hF#7anging out with all the wrong pBmeople
And if I'm nBmever seen again
Please tell my Emwife and tell my friends
That I was haF#7nging out with all the wrong pBmeoplePost-ChorusBm.....Em.....F#7......Bm..VerseWell, a lBmong long time ago
There was a Emguy I used to know
That said he F#7fell in love for all the wrong reBmasons
She got the hBmouse, she took the cat
She got the sEmhirt right off his back
And now she's lF#7iving in the CaribbBmean
There was a gBmirl from down the road
Who had a hEmeart as pure as gold
Friends took herF#7 to a church in San FranBmcisco
They promised lBmove, eternal life
All for a vEmery special price
Then drained her sF#7avings till she blew the wBmhistleChorusHBmanging out with all the wrong peEmople
I was haF#7nging out with all the wrong pBmeople
And if I'm nBmever seen again
Please tell my Emwife and tell my friends
That I was hF#7anging out with all the wrong pBmeople
HBmanging out with all the wrong pEmeople
I was hF#7anging out with all the wrong peDople
They told me tGime and time again
To watch my bEmack or I'll regret
Sometimes iF#7ntentions are just downright eBmvilPost-ChorusG...PBmeople.G..
All the wrong pBmeople
F#7Oh....Bm..BridgeI tell ya Bmnow as I look back
Driving my bEmrand-new Cadillac
I'm still a crF#7iminal but sellin' fBmiction
I'm stealing vBmotes, you're takin' bribes
To hide my mEmistress on the side
I've found my cF#7alling as a politBmicianChorusHBmanging out with all the wrong pEmeople
I was hF#7anging out with all the wrong pBmeople
And if I'm neBmver seen again
Please tell my wEmife and tell my friends
That I was hF#7anging out with all the wrong peBmople
HBmanging out with all the wrong pEmeople
I was hF#7anging out with all the wrong peDople
They told me tGime and time again
To watch my bEmack or I'll regret
Sometimes iF#7ntentions are just downright eBmvilOutroThey told me tGime and time again
"You'll end up brEmoke and left for dead
If you keep hF#7anging out with all the wrong pBmeople"

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