Billie Eilish - Not My Responsibility Chords

When did Billie Eilish release Not My Responsibility?

Not My Responsibility was released on 2021-07-30

Capo: none
Strumming Pattern: D = Down, U = Up, - = pause
Strumming Pattern #1 - D D U D U D
Strumming Pattern #2 - D D D D D D D
Strumming Pattern #3 - D U D D - D U

This is a weirdest song I have ever transcribed. And for some reason, her voice turns me on, lmao
But she has a point about people judging others tho.

something here

C#m.........VerseG#mDo you know me?
Really know me?..C#m.....
You have opinions G#mabout my opinions
C#mAbout my music
About my clothes
G#m....About my body
Some people C#mhate what I wear
Some people praise it
Some?people G#muse it to shame others
Some people use it to shame me
But I C#mfeel you watching
And noG#mthing I do goes unseen
So while I feel your stares, your disapproval or C#myour sigh of relief
If I lived by them, I'd never be able to move
WG#mould you like me to be smaller, weaker, softer, taller?
Would you C#mlike me to be quiet?
Do my shoulders provoke you? Does my chest?
G#mAm I my stomach? My hips?
The body I was born with
C#m...Is it not what you wanted?
If I wear what is comfortG#mable, I am not a woman
If I shed the laC#myers, I'm a ****
Though you've never seen my body, you G#mstill judge it
And judge me for it
We make assumptions about people based on their size
We dG#mecide who they are
We decide what they're worth
If I wear more,C#m if I wear less
Who decides what that makes me, what that means?
Is my vG#malue based only on your perception?
Or is your opinion of me not my responsibility

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