Verse 1DTo tell the truth A/C#darling
Bm I'd have to lead aA coup
DPast the platA/C#itudes,
Bm right past the dottedA rules
DI paid attenEmtion,
F#m I paid my dueAs
Bm Now that I know a tAhing or two
BmI say thank yoAu
ChorusBmWould you stare eyesA open if DI ever came 'Around with the golBmden gun?.A
Would you ever lDight up withA/C# somebody Bmlike me?A (Looked like my son, he looked like a sun)
D.Would you stare A/C#eyes open ifD I ever came rAound with the goldBen gun?A (On my back, felt like it)
Would you ever lDay down withA somebodyBm like me?.A
(On my back, felt like it)InterludeDADADA.
Verse 2DIt really wasn't aA/C# fall
BmIt was nothing at Aall
DAll that they came in pEmroving
WelF#ml they sure was zAooming
BmI have to cAast upBm, a big wet netA through
BmNow that I ask Aafter you,Bm I've gotta pasAs through now
ChorusWoDuld you stare A/C#eyes open if BmI ever came 'rAound with the golDden gun?A/C#
Would you ever lBmight up with Asomebody? (To tell the truth)
WDould you come right Emover with the cF#mrown royal if I Asaid run, Drun, runEm (I'd have to lead a coup, past the platitudes)
Would you ever F#mlay down with Asomebody like me? (Right past the dotted rules)
WoDuld you stare A/C#eyes open if BmI ever came 'rAound with the golDden gun?A/C# (I paid attention, I paid my dues, I gotta ask you)
Would you ever lDay down withA somebodyBm like me?.A
(Do you say thank you?)Post-ChorusDLooked like my Ason (I say thank you)
BmHe looked like aA sun (I say thank you, I say thank you)
DOn my bacAk (I say thank you, I say thank you)
BmFelt like iAt (I say thank you, I say thank you)
DLooked like my Ason (I say thank you)
BmHe looked like aA sun (I say thank you, I say thank you)
DOn my bacAk (I say thank you, I say thank you)
BmFelt like iAt (I say thank you, I say thank you)
DOn my bacAk (I say thank you, I say thank you)
BmFelt like iAt (I say thank you, I say thank you)OutroDA/C#BmA.