Verse 1DI feel conflicted, but it's excitement
Maybe I'm nervous, Bmmostly I liDke it
It's like the house light I keep unlit
Last box in the basement, IBm've got a seDcret
I've got a secret uGnder the carpet
I can't remember Bmin which compDartment
The mind holds memories of dGays we've missed
I miss being certain, cAertainly I missChorusDFallin' for the afGterthought
Of feelin' wAhat I want
I wDant to feel eGverything
But when I Ado it makes me qDuestion if I'm fGalling wrong
Don't wanna brAeak something
And pDeople say it cGan belong
As long as it's unsGeen.BmAG.
Verse 2I feel uneGasy, internal conflict
My head and my heart try to reBmphrase the argumeDnt
As "You didn't feel that," Gnow I feel gaslit
Torch my emotions
APlease change the subjectChorusDFallin' for the afGterthought
Of feelin' wAhat I want
I wDant to feel eGverything
But when I Ado it makes me qDuestion if I'm fGalling wrong
Don't wanna brAeak something
And pDeople say it cGan belong
As long as it's unsGeen.BmAG.
Verse 3I feel confuGsed by what I'm ashamed for
I feel ashamed by mBmy human nDature
Choose to adapt new oGutward behavior
To feel accepted
APeople are built for
DActin' like there's nGothing wrong
So they can jAust move on
DSometimes I just wGannaBridgeBut if I dAid it'd make you qDuestion if I'm woGrthy of
FAeeling love, it's fDunny how we gGet along
Just as lGong as I'm quieBmt