Verse 1EmYou're never gonna hCave to wonder what she's thGinking
Em'Cause she can tell you eCverything with thoseG eyes
BmTo be so complicated, it's pretty eCasy
AmTo knBmow when you're doing it rDight
Chorus'Cause she's gonna fGall like the rBmain on a SCunday
She's gonna mGelt just like sBmugar in your hCands
She's gonna clGose her eyes and kBmiss you like a shAmot of whiskey does
No, there ain't nFothing like a gCirl in lGoveVerse 2EmShe ain't gonna sCay it till she knows she meGans it
Em'Cause those aren't wCords she throws aroGund
BmYou better be sure you're ready to cCatch her
AmWhen she lBmets you lay her dDown
Chorus'Cause she's gonna fGall like the rBmain on a SCunday
She's gonna mGelt just like sBmugar in your hCands
She's gonna clGose her eyes and kBmiss you like a shAmot of whiskey does
No, there ain't nFothing like a gCirl in lGoveInstrumentalGBmC.
Chorus'Cause she's gonna fGall like the rBmain on a SCunday
She's gonna mGelt just like sBmugar in your hCands
Yeah, she's gonna clGose her eyes and kBmiss you like a shAmot of whiskey does
No, there ain't nFothing like a gCirl in lGove
There ain't nFothing like a gCirl in lGove
No, there ain't nFothing like a gCirl in lGove