Abby Roberts - Video Girl Chords

When did Abby Roberts release Video Girl?

Video Girl was released on 2022-06-10

Capo: none
Strumming Pattern: D = Down, U = Up, - = pause
Strumming Pattern #1 - D D U D U D
Strumming Pattern #2 - D D D D D D D
Strumming Pattern #3 - D U D D - D U
something here
Verse 1GI wish that CI looked like you.Am.
And lately I’ve been wCmorking on my smile too
EmI wCmonder if its good enouGgh
GAnd I hCate my blue jeans.Am
But I don’t really Cmknow what suits me
EmAnd I don’t have the mCmoney to figure it oGut
Pre-ChorusCI don’t ****** kAmnow what to do about itChorusGVideo Girl I wanna live in your Amworld
Does it make you happy ‘cus that’s what I heaEmrd
Wish I could lCmook out through your lGens
What’s it like in the D/F#deep end?Verse 2GAll my friends are sClowly fading.Am.
Yeah I feel like they hCmate me or they’re faking
EmMaybe I’ll do bCmetter on my oGwn
GI feel like I’m lyCing on a hospital bAmed
Everybody’s stCmaring is it something I Emsaid?
Won’t you tell me the Cmtruth like you used to dGoPre-ChorusCI don’t ****** kAmnow what to do about itChorusGVideo Girl I wanna live in your Amworld
Does it make you happy ‘cus that’s what I heaEmrd
Wish I could lCmook out through your lGens
What’s it like in the D/F#deep end?
GVideo Girl I wanna live in your Amworld
Be your best friend or maybe if you prefEmer
We can meet Cmup and just pretend
GBe a Video Girl for the wBmeekend
BridgeAmVideo GDirl let me Bmlive in your Cworld
AmVideo GDirl let me Bmlive in your wCorld
AmVideo GDirl let me Bmlive in your wCorld
AmVideo GDirl let me Bmlive in your wCorldChorusGVideo GCirl I wanna live in your wAmorld
Does it make you hCmappy ‘cus that’s what I heEmard
Wish I could lCmook out through your lens
GWhat’s it like in the deep end?
GVideo GCirl I wanna live in your wAmorld
Be your bCmest friend or maybe if you preEmfer
We can mCmeet up and just pretend
GBe a Video Girl for the weekend
OutroGVideo GCirl I wanna live in your Amworld
You say you’re unhCmappy but that seems absEmurd
It’s easy to sCmay from the outsidGe
Video Girl what’s on D/F#your miGnd?

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